Member-only story
What is your life about?
Your time is precious; use it wisely.
In today’s society of social media likes, posts, and entertainment, it can be easy for anyone to get lost in what life is indeed about, especially our youth. Anyone can get lost in the mirage of social media news and drama by posting about it or being hypnotized by it for years. Before we know it, another year has passed, and we are still stuck in the same job or toxic relationship and complaining daily about how much life sucks. In reality, we are wasting precious time that we could be doing something about whatever cause we feel strongly about or living out our own life.
It’s not easy to confess how much time we all spend on social media addicted to the likes and life of drama or the good life of others. I mean, who wants to admit that they spent precious time admiring or complaining about what is happening outside of them in life. Well, I’ll be honest and say I am guilty of it but am working towards managing my social media participation choices.
Of course, it’s nice seeing friends and family and quickly finding out what is happening worldwide with a click or swipe, right? But as a teacher of middle school kids who I constantly have to remind to put away their phones or turn off their computers during class, I’m sure they, like us adults, have fallen prey to what life could be about.